Danville Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is an intentionally Open and Affirming Congregation welcoming all of God’s people regardless of sex, race, color, creed, denominational background, political persuasion, affectional orientation, gender identification, physical ability, mental ability, age, national origin or immigration status. Here is our open and affirming resolution.

Adopted January 13, 2002

Whereas: Faith is a gift from God, and gay and lesbian Christians have received the gift of faith, and the church cannot deny professing Christians equal access to the life and ministry of the church; and

Whereas: the people of the Danville Congregational Church recognize the presence of gay men and lesbian women within our congregation, and in the surrounding community; and

Whereas: The Council, representing the people of the Danville Congregational Church, has appointed an ONA Resource Committee to conduct a congregational study of Christian sexual ethics and Christian teachings about homosexuality; and

Whereas: the ONA Resource Committee has conducted a survey of the congregation, which indicates substantial support for the inclusion of gay and lesbian persons in all aspects of the life of our congregation; and

Whereas: the ONA Resource Committee has conducted a series of congregational gatherings to discuss various aspects of this matter, during which members have been encouraged to express their views openly and respectfully; and

Whereas: it is the wish of the Council of the Danville Congregational Church that the congregation express itself in a duly warned meeting regarding the inclusion of gay and lesbian persons in all aspects of the church’s congregational life.

Therefore, let it be:

Resolved: that all professing Christians, including gay and lesbian persons, shall be welcome to participate in and fulfill leadership positions in all programs and activities of the Danville Congregational Church, and be it further

Resolved: that search committees shall not exclude gay and lesbian persons from consideration for lay or ordained ministry, nor shall any member of the church who is gay or lesbian be refused consideration in this church for the lay or ordained ministry solely for that reason, and be it further

Resolved: that this church shall extend the same opportunity to gay and lesbian couples as it does to heterosexual couples, including having their unions blessed in the church, in covenanting ceremonies and having their children baptized, and be it further

Resolved: that this church, in addition to stating that it is open and welcoming to all people, shall make its position regarding gay and lesbian persons explicit, by agreeing to be an Open and Affirming Church in the United Church of Christ, and by making that position public in ways that the Danville Congregational Church and its designated leaders shall deem appropriate.

Danville Congregational Church, UCC Open and Affirming Resolution

Peace Dove
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